Human Resource Management System (HRMS)
Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is a comprehensive and integrated human resource (HR) management system. It provides you with excellent functionality, features, and flexibility to help you solve and handle HR management complexity, including employee attendance, leave, compensation, tax calculation, document management, etc. without in-depth knowledge of complex information technology.

Fixed Asset Pro16
ExcelSoft® Fixed Asset Pro16 is designed to comprehensively manage, maintain, and control your company’s assets with easy navigation and intuitive controls. This is simply a business application tool that every business must have.

Asset Tracker Pro
ExcelSoft® Asset Tracker Pro is designed to comprehensively manage, maintain, and control your business assets with easy navigation and intuitive control. This is simply a business application tool that every business must have.

Excelsoft Taxcalc
ExcelSoft® TaxCalc is a full-feature and easy-to-use payroll application that helps you to calculate and process your employees’ salaries, income taxes (compliant with Article 21 of the Indonesian Income Tax Act (PPh. 21)), bank transfers, Tax Calculations, Audit compliance, Management Reporting, etc.

Excel Erp
ExcelACC ERP is a component-based solution that comprises of many modules that can be assembled to suite your progressive and dynamic organization needs. We provide solution for your entire organization, starting from accounting/finance, procurement, warehousing, front office, sales management, distribution, asset tracking, inventory management, and much more.
It is the solution for the organization that requires a powerful, comprehensive, and yet easy-to-implement system

Bio-X Face Recognition
ExcelSoft® Bio-X Face Recognition Introducing our latest Technology in Face Recognition — for Attendance, Security, Hospitality, Customer Service,…

ExcelACC ERP is a component-based solution that comprises of many modules that can be assembled to suite your progressive and dynamic organization needs. We provide solution for your entire organization, starting from accounting/finance, procurement, warehousing, front office, sales management, distribution, asset tracking, inventory management, and much more.

Integrated School System
ExcelSoft® Integrated School Management (ISM) is a comprehensive and 100% integrated School management system to help you in every aspect to run an entire school. It’s design to be a building block like so that you can choose the module(s) to be implemented at once, and then gradually add more modules to complete it. With ISM you will instantly achieve a complete collaboration between School Teachers, Administration, Head Master, Students, School/Parents, Accounting/Finance, School Procurement, and Public Relations.

Bio-X Time Attendance
ExcelSoft®Bio-X Time Attendace is combination of biometric technology (fingerprint) and Excelsoft Time Attendance Application. It has the ability of not only recording but also managing the employees’ attendance.

ExcelSoft® ICare – Sms System
ExcelSoft® ICare – Sms System In today’s business world, taking a good care of the customer is not simply a priority but it is do-or-die. Any unhappy customer can easily click on the Internet and find your competitors next door. This is the reality!

Corporate Business Workflow
ExcelSoft® Business Workflow (EBW) is a product that helps your company to streamline, automate and improve the efficiency of your business procedures.

Mobile Apps Jitu Property
Mobile Apps Jitu Property Digital Property Apps to sell, buy, and rent property in Indonesia. This is the best and the only digital property where buyer, seller, and agent can use the apps for free.

Fixed Asset Management Pro
ExcelSoft® Fixed Asset Management Pro is designed to comprehensively manage, maintain, and control your business assets with easy navigation and intuitive control. This is simply a business application tool that every business must have.

Bio-X Touchless Attendance
ExcelSoft® Bio-X Touchless Attendance is a mobile base application free to use as the contribution of Excelsoft to the world. This is to replace a finger print attendance that has been proven to be the source of Covid-19 contamination. It has been designed to be easy to use, complete, and comprehensive.
You can create many entry points necessary while all the reporting would be synchronized in the cloud. Employees can simply use their mobile devices as attendance by simply present it to the scanning gate for attendance. For employee that has been authorized to clock-in anywhere, he or she can use GPS option and even take photo as prove of attendance.
To use is very simply. For employer, simply download Bio-X Clockin, Register, create gates, and ready to use. For employee, just simply download Bio-X Employee, Register, and ready to use – absolutely no registration necessary. Try it out to see how the application works for your organization.