ExcelSoft Tax Calculator or TaxCalc is a full-feature and easy-to-use payroll application that help you to calculate and process your employees’ salaries, income taxes (compliant with Article 21 of the Indonesian Income Tax Act (PPh. 21)), bank transfers, etc. Since its first edition was launched in 1997, TaxCalc has proven to help thousands of clients efficiently and accurately.
The results of the calculation has been verified by many government tax personnel, reputable tax consultants, and organizations. The monthly tax requirements calculated is guaranteed to be final and it has a built-in function to avoid any excess tax payment regardless of the employment cases, and the results of the yearly tax calculation will be final!
- Calculation of gross income, net income or a combination of both
- A precise and accurate monthly tax calculation
- Non-Effective Period for each case
- Produces government tax forms (1721-I, 1721-II, 1721-III, 1721-IV, 1721-V, 1721-VI,1721-VII, 1721-A1, 1721 dan SPT Induk), in compliance with Article 21
- Export to CSV format, to facilitate uploading to the online yearly taxable assets reporting (e-SPT) system
- Produce step-by-step calculation results
- Ability to return to previous years up to 1997 with automatic regulatory adjustments
- Complete user management (Menu, employee level, Customizable to user needs)
- Exclusive information system
- Download reports into Microsoft Excel format
- On-line customer service based on user contact
- Monthly Payslip
- Customizable report formats
- Employee salary listing
- Employee information listing
- Employee salary comparative historical
- Employee salary component listing
- Yearly Taxable Assets Report (SPT) Form 1721-I, 1721-II, 1721-III, 1721-IV, 1721-V, 1721-VI,1721-VII, 1721-A1, 1721 dan SPT Induk
- National Social Security (BPJS) reports and forms, both for health insurance (BPJS Kesehatan) and for the national trade union (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan)
- Download reports to Microsoft Excel
- Many others
Understanding Article 21 of the Income Tax Act is very complex and it takes a lot of time throughout the year to prepare. The calculation process is proven to be confusing, as it is subjected to many interpretations. For example, the government only provides methods from gross income, while net income and gross-on-net calculations are not given but yet legal means of calculation.
TaxCalc is truly designed to completely handle all these complications by a single click. Since ExcelSoft first launched the product in 1997, we have served hundreds of clients throughout the country. The product is already proven to be accurate, cost saving, and efficient to handle all types of payroll schemes.
Video Demo

Pengenalan Taxcalc

Taxcalc Light

Pengisian Form Pajak Freelancer

Cara menginput pendapatan

Cara merubah nilai pendapatan

Workbook 2

Workbook 3

Workbook 4 Cara Merubah Nilai Pendapatan Untuk Perorangan dan Detail Penghitungan Pajak

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