Link Download Bio-X Touchless Attendance
Bio-X Employee
Bio-X Clock-in
Bio-X Employee
Bio-X Clock-in
Installation Guide
For Company :
1. Install Bio-X Clockin and place it around the entrance area.
2. Bio-x Clockin have 4 menu : scan, setting, gate, history
3. Menu scan use for scanning QR Code employee
4. Menu setting use for setting gate dan the app
5. Menu history use to see list of history attendance
For Employee :
1. Install Bio-X Employee
2. Register your data
3. Choose shift and your attendace
4. Generate QR Code
5. Scan QR Code to the Biox-X Clock-in Gate
7. Bio-x Employee have 4 menu : edit profile, attendance by GPS, history by GPS
8. Menu edit profile use for edit employee information
9. Menu attendance by GPS use for send your data attendace by GPS
10. Menu history by GPS use to see list of history attendance by GPS
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